El dimecres, 29 dâagost de 2018, a les 1:04:45 CEST, Michael Reeves va
Post by Michael ReevesEl divendres, 24 dâagost de 2018, a les 3:20:13 CEST, Michael Reeves va
El dimarts, 7 dâagost de 2018, a les 14:59:50 CEST, Michael Reeves
Post by Michael ReevesPost by Michael ReevesKdiff3 has moved to review in preparation for possible release
testing. I
Post by Michael Reevesam currently working towards having auto testing but the code
Post by Michael Reevesmajor
Post by Michael Reevesrefactoring to make this possible. Specifically it is not well
Post by Michael ReevesThe purpose of this review is to get feedback on issues that
need to
Post by Michael Reevesbe
Post by Michael Reevesaddressed before moving out of playground.
Have you seen there's 4 wrong connect signals on startup?
Not quite sure how to resolve this. How is scrolling content properly
implemented in qt5?
I don't understand the question, what is missing is the signal you
Post by Michael Reevesemit from DiffTextWindow so it's DiffTextWindow saying it wants to
Post by Michael Reevesthat is not something that it doesn't say anymore?
The code is a hack by the original author that tries to get notified when
the scroll bar moves. It happens to work as of qt5 but generates this
warning because QWidget::scroll is not a signal. Removing the offending
connects makes text in the diff mini window not scroll at all. How is
scrolling of content supposed to be implemented?
Are you saying that removing a connect that is reporting to be broken
changes the behaviour of the program?
I must be crazy anyway it seems to work now without those lines.
That seems really strange, once you fix the assert if you tell me what to
test i can have a look :)
The assert will no longer happen that actually was committed right after
you reported it. The code in question seems to be triggered when using
preprocessing comands. I still need to look at this more closely but it
should work as is. I have been reworking the file access code to try and
simplify it. The diff process itself should not be affected buy this. This
code base definitely feels something that was written under time
constraints. It took a lot of effort to make it what is now. Not
surprisingly there's still work to be done. One of my goals is to reduce
make this code more easily maintainable.
Post by Michael ReevesWhen trying to compare any two files i hit this assert
if(m_lmppData.m_vSize < m_normalData.m_vSize)
//This a bug that needs fixed elsewhere not hacked
Post by Michael ReevesQ_ASSERT(m_lmppData.m_vSize == m_normalData.m_vSize);
Which i do not understand what it is trying to do, i mean you just
that they are different and the on the next line assert they are
Post by Michael Reevesdifferent?
Actually that tells me what I need ed to know. I don't get this on my
machine. The comment made it seem like this was some sort of work
Post by Michael Reevesfor an odd corner case. I can remove the assert now that I know the
is an everytime thing.
How are you doing the file comparison?
kdiff3 file1 file2
I feel like this points to an issue else where.